Welcome to Our Practice
We are finishing our new updated site if you want to try it (better for mobile and pads) or you can continue with this site and ignore the link below.
Please Click here for our new site (still being fine-tuned).
It can also be reached directly at naturalvet.net or holisticvet.com
Simon's New GPS Collar - More Info (right column)
Our Mission - Healing and Guidance
Many of our cases come from referrals or research done by the owner. They might have serious or life threatening medical issues, have been through specialists and numerous tests. Dr. Bernstein has extensive experience dealing with these kinds of cases, working with multiple veterinarians and looking at the big picture.
This site provides details on holistic care for animals including Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Nutrition, Phone Consultations, Referrals and related information. Dr Larry Bernstein is a holistic veterinarian ready to help you care for your animal companions in a natural way. He is trained and certified in both veterinary and human homeopathy, and veterinary acupuncture. He graduated University of Pennsylvania Veterinary School in 1977 and began studying holistic medicine in 1990, He treats cases throughout the world, writes and teaches extensively.
Complete New Client Information
Click button below
We Have Integrated Our Own Supply Storefront to be SURE of Quality and Genuine Products
(Please Note - We have not limited what you see to our list of products so, you will also see conventional medications listed and even promoted. We are not endorsing their use but it was easier - for now - to leave it as is, then to spend hours - days sorting through and limiting available items.)
Click Here For the Vet's First Choice Natural Holistic Site
This is the BEST source we have found and we have input into the quality and contents plus direct control of prescription authorization from our office. They properly store and source legitimate items, direct from the the manufacturers. They may cost a few dollars more but the dependability, and QUALITY of our commonly used items has already proven to be well worth it.
The Kidney, Function, Failure and Therapy - Part One and Two OZONE And Joint Therapy now Available Click Here
New - Importance of EARLY Fluid Therapy

Our latest Chapter About Knees, Hips and all Joints and our ability to do Prolozone Joint Restorative Therapy and PRP
( Platelet Rich Plasma) collection and use in the same therapy sesssion.
Paper on Ozone Therapy
Our Facebook Link
Client Information Library has ALL our past book Chapters - WORTH THE TIME ( Doc B say with all modesty)
Peanut 06/27/04 - 11/11/05
Our YouTube Video on Tube Feeding Puppies from when our "Peanut" was born and too small to nurse.
We have had over 1/2 million views and it has save many, many orphaned or stress puppies.
So "Peanut who left us after. only. 2 1/2 years (born with many challenges) still lives on
every time we get a note about another puppy surviving due to his video.
Click Here For Tube Feeding Video on Youtube
Our 2017-2018 Holiday Card (Click for full pdf Image of card)
About Dr. B